We had a wonderful trip with our driver-guide Santiago Garzon in January 2020.
He was like an angel to us, making sure everything was always perfect.
We had the chance with him to visit Ecuador in a different way. He suggested tourist attractions to visit, food to taste and drink as well as restaurants to try. We also liked that he suggested places to stop to take pictures.
He helped me at the pharmacist. He also gave us wise suggestions to feel better at altitude.
It was the first time we travelled with an experienced private guide like Mr. Garzon. We enjoyed our experience very much because we saved time.
We traveled the country from north to south, we explored cities and visited attractions we had not planned. What a wonderful discovery!
We highly recommend you to travel with Santiago he is an excellent guide from Ecuador!

Santiago is a truly wonderful driver/guide for your adventures in Ecuador. We travelled with him from Guayaquil, through Cuenca, Alausi, Baños, Cotapaxi, Otavalo and Quito over about 8 days. Santiago provided great suggestions for our itinerary and places to stay and was always prompt and helpful in emails while we were planning our trip. His English is excellent. More importantly, we always felt completely safe and well informed. He strikes a perfect balance between giving you the most important information and giving you space to enjoy and soak up the amazing sights. He provided great recommendations on restaurants and guided us on the best places to purchase quality souvenirs at reasonable prices. He is also a GREAT driver and we felt totally safe in his care even with some dangerous road conditions. He also went above and beyond eg helping as a translator when needed. He is friendly and fun with a great sense of humour and is totally dependable. We highly recommend Santiago!

Nous avons visité l'Equteur en Avril 2016.
Pendant 3 semaines Santiago nous a accompagné pendant notre voyage.On avait preparé notre voyage avec lui avant de partir pour l'Equateur.Santiago c'est quelqu'un qui connait tres bien son pays ,qui est toujours a l'ecouté des personnes qu'il accompagne,il sait facilement adapter et proposer des solutions de secours en fonction des événements(meteo,parc nationaux fermé a cause du tremblement de terre,etc).C'est quelqu'un de tres serieux,ponctuel,agreable,qui s'adapte et fait le maximum pour satisfaire les gens qu'il accompagne.Une valeur sure!!N'hesitez pas ,si besoin plus de detail vous pouvez me contacter.

In der Zeit vom 24.7.-29.7.2012 waren wir mit 2 Pers mit Herrn Santiago Garcon als Guide mit seinem eig. Kfz. in Ecuador unterwegs. Die Strecke führte von Quito nach Guayaquil mit div. Abstechern. Santiago Garzon erwies sich als außerordentlich freundlicher, höflicher, sehr pünktlicher und ortskundiger Guide, der uns das Land wirklich näher brachte, mit uns auf der Strecke Stadtbesichtigungen durchführte, Einkaufsmärkte besuchte und jederzeit bereit war, an landschaftlich reizvollen Stellen einen Stop einzulegen.
Hinweis : Den Verlauf der Reise unbedingt mit Herrn Garzon im Vorwege detailliert schriftlich festlegen und auf Einhaltung dieser Route bestehen.Bei Beachtung dieses Hinweises ist Herr garzon als Tourguide mit bestem Gewissen zu empfehlen.
27/09/2012 16:51 -

Santiago a été notre guide durant notre séjour en Aout 2012
Juste parfait !
Jeune, dynamique, plein de bonnes idées et de bons coins à visiter
Compréhension du français limité mais anglais parfait
Nous n'avons eu aucun regret en lui faisant confiance
02/07/2012 17:11 -

My wife and I spent a very good Saturday with Santiago, driving from Quito to the Otavalo market and back, with several stops along the way, including a delicious lunch. He was prompt, friendly, a good driver (in a comfortable car), spoke English well, was knowledgeable, accommodating and flexible. The cost was only slightly more than 2 seats on a group tour. But with Santiago, we were able to specify our own route & timing (allowing us to catch the animal market, a real highlight, which we otherwise would have missed), stop whenever we wanted and spend just as much time as we wished at each stop. It's a much better way to go.

We travelled with Santiago April 2012. He is a great guide, very knowledgable and caring. He knows Ecuador extremely well and offered
great advice about places to eat and stay. When trekking he made sure the whole group was looked after and was aware of our needs.

Nous avons voyagé avec Santiago Garzon en septembre 2011.
Il est très sérieux, sympathique, disponible et de bon conseil; il ne vous conduit pas chez les commerçants du coin à tout bout de champ. Nous ne pouvons que le recommander à ceux qui envisagent un circuit en Equateur.
Un seul bémol: il parle très peu français... seulement espagnol et anglais.